About Southern Oregon Field Mowing

I started Southern Oregon Field Mowing before I knew I started it.

Some years back, with a Stihl FS110R weed whacker in hand, I made side money in the Spring and Summer trimming ditches, wooded areas and other small projects throughout the Rogue Valley. In a short time I saw the potential for this to be more than just me and a string trimmer a few hours a week. By the next Spring I managed to end my employment and start a business of my own with a small tractor, an old Ford pickup truck and that same Stihl trimmer.

I established this business as an owner - operator in 2015 and I have continued to grow it in the years since. Now, as of 2021, I am also able to offer more than mowing and tractor services. With the ability to haul materials like rock, dirt and compostable waste up to seven tons (about 5-7 yards), I can bring variety of products to or from your property. My Bobcat T-300 skid-steer is great for mowing large, open pastures with an 8.5ft mowing deck that can mulch blackberries, thistle, brush and small trees up to a few inches in diameter. From moving material and debris to graveling driveways and parking areas, dirt work, brush clearing, fuels reduction or a seasonal mowing, I am here to help in any way I can and my estimates are free. If your project is out of the scope of my services I will point you in the direction of someone who can work with you.

I am grateful for all of my past and current clients as well as all of the ones I have not yet met. My free time is spent primarily with my two dogs, Charlie and Zoe.
